How to protect yourself from COVID-19 inside the bank

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How to protect yourself from COVID-19 inside the bank

For the safety of you and the people around you, during the withdrawal operation from the ATM or the bank teller, it is of great necessity that you wear medical gloves and surgical masks when you are inside the bank or waiting in queue to withdraw from the ATM in order to protect yourself from touching any surfaces or inhaling any virus infected air. If the bank is crowded, it is necessary that you leave a 1 metre space between you and any customer in front of you, behind you, or besides you. These precautions significantly reduce the risk of you getting infected with the virus. Once you have withdrawn your money, please throw your gloves and mask in the bin, not on the floor, and be keen to wash your hands or use hand sanitizers.

Also, one of the most important precautions when arriving home is to change your clothes and putting them in the washing machine, and it’s preferred that you wash them separately from other clothes, in addition to spreading them in the sun to dry off. Another important precaution recommended by the World Health Organization is to wash your hands with water and soap for no less than 20 seconds. Applying these precautions will protect you and others around you from COVID-19.

Stay safe.